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Biodyne 401

Biodyne 401

Regular price R 125.00
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With a diverse team of beneficial microorganisms present in high concentration levels, ENVIRONOC 401 is a natural way to promote the fundamental relationship between the soil and plant. The microbes that make up this robust team are not genetically modified, non-pathogenic, and 100% naturally occurring. 401 with its diverse population of beneficial microorganisms ensures the soil and plant can efficiently work together to maximize the plant’s growth and productivity.


• Establish larger and more diverse populations of beneficial microbes in your fields.

• Optimize the rhizosphere with a more robust and efficient plant and microbe relationship to improve growing conditions.

• Improve nutrient release and management through microbial activity, enhancing overall soil productivity.

• Increased leaves, larger diameter stems, more diffuse roots 

• Increased early growth 

 Pest and disease control: Beneficial microbes can help control harmful pests and diseases in cannabis plants. For example, certain strains of bacteria and fungi can act as natural predators, inhibiting the growth of harmful pathogens that can cause diseases in cannabis plants.

• Breaking down harmful substances: Certain microbes have the ability to break down harmful substances, such as pesticides, heavy metals, and other contaminants, that may be present in the growing medium or irrigation water, helping to detoxify the cannabis plants and protect them from potential harm.

• Enhancing terpene and cannabinoid production: Some microbes have been shown to influence the production of secondary metabolites, including terpenes and cannabinoids, which are responsible for the aroma, flavour, and therapeutic properties of cannabis. These microbes can potentially help increase the production of desirable terpenes and cannabinoids in cannabis plants.

How to use

• Seeds: Dip in 401 before planting. 

• Cuttings: Dilute 5ml per 1L water and allow cuttings to soak for 15min before planting. Once planted add 1ml p/1L of 401 and water plants. Same applies for hydroponic reservoirs. Repeat once a week for the first month and then once monthly thereafter. 

• Foliar spray: Add 25ml to a 1L spray bottle. Spray base of plant and leaves once weekly. 

• Hydroponics: 1ml per L in your reservoir – On start-up dose on day 1 and repeat on day 7. Thereafter dose once monthly.

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